
  • Ghana Society of Haematology (GhaSH)

    This is a Society of Ghanaian medical professionals such as haematologists, oncologist, nurses and medical laboratory scientists who have keen interest in safe blood for transfusion. The main objectives of GhaSH are to promote scientific advancement of haematology in Ghana and also enhance the quality of practice through continuing education of practitioners.

  • Africa Society of Blood Transfusion (AfSBT)

    This is a regional body whose mission is to advocate for the highest ethical and professional standards and skills in blood transfusion across the African continent, enabling safe, universally accessible and sustainable national blood programmes in member countries. The NBS has signed onto the AfSBT’s Step-Wise Accreditation Programme (SWAP) which is an external quality audit programme.

  • Safe Blood for Africa Foundation

    Safe Blood for Africa Foundation is a non-profit foundation established to assist African countries achieve a safe and adequate blood supply free of transfusion transmissible infections (TTIs). The Foundation provides technical assistance in developing National Blood Services as well as supporting quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation in African countries.

  • International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)

    This is an international community of transfusion medicine professionals sharing knowledge and ideas to improve the practice of blood transfusion worldwide. The Society provides opportunities for advancing knowledge and education in blood transfusion as well as advocates for the welfare of blood donors and transfusion recipients.

  • Ghana Blood Foundation

    Ghana Blood Foundation (GBF) was established by the National Blood Committee (NBC) which is a non-statutory board of the National Blood Service (NBS).  The objectives of the Foundation are twofold. First is to improve financial access to safe blood and blood components by the vulnerable in society. Second is to promote research and development to improve donor and donation management in Ghana. In order to achieve these objectives, the Foundation raises funds from corporate organisations and benevolent individuals.

  • National Blood Donors Association of Ghana (NABDAG)

    NABDAG is a non-profit organisation comprising compassionate volunteers who are committed to saving lives through voluntary blood donation. The objectives of the Association include promoting the value of saving lives through regular blood donation; promoting healthy lifestyle among voluntary blood donors; recruiting new donors through outreach programmes to communities, schools, youth groups, and faith-based groups. The Association regularly undertakes donor recruitment activities in collaboration with the National Blood Service to increase voluntary blood donations in Ghana.